band name- song title
album title
johnny cash- id rather die young
the fabulous johnny cash
hobart smith and texas gladden- down in the willow garden
library of congress recordings (1940s)
decibully- we're just friends
va: wisco- a tribute to wilco’s summerteeth
conrad plymouth- nothings ever gonna stand in my way again
va: wisco- a tribute to wilco’s summerteeth
victoria spivey- murder in the first degree
the victoria spivey recorded legacy of the blues
vic chesnutt- unpacking my suitcase
skitter on take-off
pete molinari- willow weep for me
a train bound for glory
pete molinari- streetcar named desire
a train bound for glory
baby eagle- man of my time
dog weather
ray lamontage & the pariah dogs- god willin & the creek don't rise
god willin & the creek don't rise
those darlins- snaggle tooth mama
those darlins
jon-rae & the river- shine a light
the road
marah- walt whitman bridge
if you didn't laugh you'd cry
isobell campbell & mark lanegan- snake song
chuck ragan- glory
gold country
james ol paddling toms canoe
live at the colch
drag the river- having a party
bad at breaking up
frontier ruckus- I do need saving
deadmalls and nightfalls
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