*special edition of SBR to promote the Sadies show at the Capital theater in Windsor. Featured guest appearances by Dave and Joey of the Locusts Have No King who performed 2 new tracks live in the studio. head over to cjam.ca and download this episode, its a keeper!
sunparlour players- if the creeks don’t rise [hymns for the happy]
the locusts have no king- come one come all [come one come all]
the sadies- wolf tones [new seasons]
the sadies- within a stone [stories often told]
the locusts have no king- eloise [2011 demos]
sunparlour players- green thumb [us little devils]
the locusts have no king- high hopes [2011 demos]
the sadies- such a little word [stories often told]
the sadies- coming back [favourite colours]
the sadies- sunset to dawn [new seasons]
field assembly- phantom limbs [narco]
the sadies- anna leigh [new seasons]
the locusts have no king- last ride [the locusts have no king]
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